Volume 2 Number 3
Summer 2004
Smallest but steam micro-issue. Passion, sex, caprice, murder, betrayal, and the dream-filled struggle of anima and animus. Two poems, one piece of flash, and two serial installments. 5 works.
Summer Issue
Summer is hot, and so is our brief but steamy micro-issue. Simmering in our midsummer stew are passion, caprice, murder, betrayal, and the dream-filled struggle of anima and animus.
My Lover, Boreas
Elizabeth Barrette's poem moans in an exhuberant way over a seldom regarded sex symbol that possesses an erotic force of nature.
Over a Kiss
Anthony Miller's inaugural piece of surprising flash fiction asks what a traditional fairy tale would look like if the roles of the sexes were updated.
Mosaic Soliloquies #3
Joseph P. Farrell presentes the Third Mosaic Soliloquy, Charlemagne, on his Hatred for Pope Leo the Third, to the Monk Smaragdus. Talk about hot! This king is positively furious. If you have not yet caught the earlier installments, read #1 and #2.
Julian Lamarck's dark poem is sure to make you shiver and, strangely, want more. Illustrated by Mike "Warble" Finucane, Lamarck's verse examines the connection of sexuality and self.
Editor Piece
Dreams by Asher Black is a quick read in atmospheric horror and metafiction. Illustrated, like our cover, by Mike "Warble" Finucane. Metafiction deliberately blurs the line between fiction and reality by, among other techniques, featuring the author as a character. Asher writes metafiction that explores the writer's process. Asher's Haunt can be visited virtually at asherblack.com
Mike 'Warble' Finucane
Pen and ink drawings are Warble's specialty. He's done a number of illustrations for us, but the Black Lion is the first cover. Custom-designed for MYTHOLOG, you'll see it as one of the random possible covers when you visit MYTHOLOG. If you like his work, be sure to visit Warble's gallery.