Volume 1 Number 1
Winter 2002
Premier Issue. Stories and poems by Tim Hoke, Charles Lipsig, Jamieson Wolf, Maria Nutick, Michelle Erica Green, Kimberlee Rettberg, and Em Wycedee. Illustrations by Kimberlee Rettberg and Amanda Burkinshaw. 9 works.
Premier Issue
This is the first issue of MYTHOLOG. We've stories and poems of a 'mythical' sort to delight and enchant you. We've illustrations by Kimberlee Rettberg and Amanda Burkinshaw. Come in and enjoy.
Very short fiction by Tim Hoke. This urban fairy tale has a Fortean feel, and reminds one of the gremlins and foo fighters of WWII fighter pilots.
Jack Stoneleg
A blend of history, geography, and fairy tale, Charles Lipsig creates a folk hero with an unexpected story.
Blowing the dust off a tattered grimoire, Jamieson Wolf conjures a story that promises to raise the hairs back of your neck.
A quatrain by Maria Nutick. Just as the bard Taliesin, exists since the beginning and will live until Doomsday, so the timeless image for which this anapestic verse is titled, runs away with the imagination.
Twin Towers
Some of the best metered poetry is ornate with changes in the meter... with dactyls and trochees... flecks of life and its passing that are part of the fingerprint of the poem. Touching an event that seems to require a certain formality to avoid falling into the cliched school of bad holocaust literature, in which writers expect that the socially-understood context of their poems should generate enough emotion that the structure of their work shouldn't matter, Michelle Erica Green's poem stands quite well without such supports.
Carpe Diem
Maria Nutick dishes up a dark tale of life near death and loss of mind.
What's buried deep sometimes comes up in the loveliest ways. Em Wycedee's iridescent fiction glows like a lightstruck pearl.
Ring of Iona
It was on the island of Iona, off the West coast of Scotland, according to the Book of Deer, that St. Columba established the great monstery and center of learning among the Celtish Scots and Picts that would lead to the island's designation as the "cradle of Christianity in the Western Highlands." Earlier still, the pre-Celts considered it a ‘thin place’, a place where the veils between worlds thinned. It was a place of standing stones and oak groves. This poem by Kimberlee Rettberg has something of that feel to it.
Editor Piece
Do the clothes make the man? MYTHOLOG's Editor, Asher Black, discovers a parchment written from a cell that offers a serpentine answer to this age-old question in short fiction piece, The Fall.
We've had the work of two fine illustrators this issue: Kimberlee Rettberg and Amanda Burkinshaw. If you'd like to do illustrations for our stories and poems, email us with a link to samples of your work.
Join our Staff
We could use a good Copy Editor, Proofers, Graphics Design People, a Promotions person, an Advertising person, and a Fund Raiser.
Mythopoeic Society Awards
The Mythopoeic Society is currently accepting nominations for the 2002 Mythopoeic Awards. For more information, see mythsoc.org. Thanks to Matthew Winslow, Discussion Group Secretary and Web Master at the Mythopoeic Society, for this Public Service Announcement.
Next Issue
We've already started receiving stories and poems for next issue (March 1st, 2003). There's another wonderful story by Tim Hoke, for instance, that we can't wait for you to see. If you've something odd, idiosyncratic, or even just plain 'normal', why not look at our submission guidelines (left) and send it in?